Pics Shade

Host your images with Pics Shade

Pics Shade is a platform that allows you to host and manage your images for your website. With our Freemium model, you can get started for free and upgrade as your needs grow.

Key Features

Powerful features to manage your images

Pics Shade offers a range of features to help you manage your images, from a Freemium model to advanced integrations.

  • Freemium Model

    Get started for free with up to 10,000 images. Pay just $10 for uploading 10,000 more images.

  • API Key-based Uploads

    Easily integrate Pics Shade into your application with our API key-based image uploads.

  • CDN Delivery

    Serve your images quickly and reliably with our global CDN.

  • Image Management

    Organize your images with tags and easily find what you need.

  • Advanced Features

    Integrate with S3 storage(beta), Cloudinary CDN, get free image resizing and Wordpress plugin.


Image Gallery

Upload images for Free

Login to Dashboard to use the API to upload images and save your images


Affordable pricing for every need

Pics Shade offers a Freemium model to get you started, and affordable plans to scale as your needs grow.



per month

  • 10,000 images
  • API key-based uploads
  • CDN delivery
  • Image management
  • Free image resizing
Sign Up



$10 / 10K additional images

  • 10,000 additional images
  • API key-based uploads
  • CDN delivery
  • Image management
  • Cloudinary CDN integration
  • Free image resizing


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Custom plans for large teams and businesses

  • Truly Unlimited images
  • API key-based uploads
  • CDN delivery
  • Image management
  • Cloudinary CDN integration
  • Free image resizing
  • Custom features and support
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What our customers are saying

Hear from real customers who have used Pics Shade to power their websites.

"Pics Shade is the best image hosting solution for my website. It's fast, reliable, and easy to use. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a great image hosting service."

profile picture
Sh Raj
CEO at Shade